Hindus execute shraddha ceremonies in the first part of the Ashwini month of the Hindu lunar calendar. This karma is categorized as a naimitika karma. This signifies that these are the karmas that a person is obligated to execute. If you don't do these things, you'll end up with a lot of karmic debt.

Those who conduct Shraddha karma for their ancestors on a yearly basis are blessed with prosperity, peace, and long and healthy life. This is a 15-day period during which Hindus execute Shraadha rites for their deceased forefathers on the same Tithi on which they died. People with a Pitru dosha in their horoscope must primarily perform Shraadha karma.

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Signs of a Pitri dosha:

1- There are a lot of fights in the family.

2- Illnesses that happen on a regular basis.

3- A family's constant economic crisis, which results in failure to reach prosperity.

4- Inability to have children or children with mental or physical disabilities.

5- Finding marriage options for the family's youngsters is difficult.

Some important restrictions on Pitri pooja: 

1- On Pitri puja day, avoid eating meat.

2- Never serve meat on the day of pitra worship.

3- No utensils made of steel, iron, plastic, or glass may be used on this day.

4- The bell should not be rung during the puja on this day.

5- The pooja performer should not be interrupted in any way.

6- It is important not to annoy any elderly folks and to strive to make them happy, particularly on this day. You may volunteer in an old-age home and spend time chatting with the residents to make them feel better.

Pitru Dosha Treatments:

1- Pind Daan is performed on the new moon of the Shraddha's paksha as part of the Tarpan Rites for Pitru dosha. On this day, dried cow dung cakes are burned and topped with kheer (milk and rice pudding). The tone should say prayers by folding their hands and pay reverence to their Pitrasa after water is sprinkled on it.

2- Water should be offered to the sun in the morning, coupled with the chanting of the Gayatri mantra. The Pitrasa should be given water, flowers, milk, Ganges holy waters, and black sesame seeds. One should apologize for any mistakes made and seek the blessings of the forebears.

3- All rituals linked to Pitri pooja, such as Pind Daan, Gaya Shraadh, and Pitri bhog, should be conducted while chanting the Pitra Gayatri mantra. In a year, there are 99 days for making offerings (12 death Tithis, 12 new moon days, 12 full-moon days, 12 Sankranti, 12 Vaidhriti yoga, 24 Ekadashi, and 15 Shraddha days).

Vastu Consultant in Kolkata 

If you are searching for one of the genuine astrologers in Kolkata then do look further Sree Sajal is one of the best and famous astrologers as well as a Vastu consultant in Kolkata who can resolve all your life problems.


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