The Guru-Souri yoga, which brings Saturn and Jupiter together, is an unusual yoga, and the conjunction of these two planets in Capricorn after 59 years is even rarer. Something will happen in 2021 with all natives born under the 12 zodiac signs, with Taurus natives being no exception. The Guru-Souri conjunction rules Taurus' 9th home, regardless of moon sign or ascendant, and it means that Taurus people engage in a lot of religious activities as well as a lot of volunteer work. Sree sajal is one of the Genuine astrologers in Kolkata who elaborate some career, business, married life and health horoscope of Taurus. 

Career: This year will give you good news. Saturn and Jupiter, having sat in the 9th house, satisfy your needs relevant to your career and technical fields. But for those who are in the company the year is not the same. Decisions should be taken carefully. If you're in the relationship market, don't sign any new agreements in 2021 because things will change with your partner, which will negatively affect you. The Taurus businessman must put in a lot of effort and stop taking shortcuts if he wants to succeed. Between April and September, you can get a whiff of progress.

Married Life: As Ketu enters the 7th house of your horoscope, there will be misunderstandings and misconceptions between you and your partner. It makes it impossible for you to understand your partner and causes you needless tension and arguments in your marriage. It is best to keep your cool and deal with circumstances maturely rather than getting caught up in the flow. In May, you can enjoy bliss and comfort in your marital zone, which will have a positive effect on your married life and assist you two in taking the requisite steps to secure your future.

Health: Rahu's placement in your sign/ascendant and Ketu's placement in your 7th house build a year-round troll on your wellbeing. Even the early-year placement of Mars in the 12th house has a negative effect on your wellbeing. The first half of the year takes a toll on your wellbeing, but by the middle of the year, things are looking up.

To maintain a balanced stomach, you must track your eating habits and avoid fried and junk foods. You might have problems with your eyes, back, or thighs. 

Remedies for Taurus Horoscope:

It is best to consult with a Sree sajal, the genuine astrologer and known for Best Vastu Consultant in Kolkata. He can analyse you with a birth chart. He share some remedies for Taurus natives:

1- Women should be respected both inside and outside the house. 

2- A cow should be fed on a daily basis. 

3- On Friday, feed flour and sugar to the ants. 

4- Wear Diamond/Opal if you can.


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